Celebrate the Small Things!

Celebrate The Small Things is a weekly celebration created by VikLit to celebrate the happenings of the week, however small or large. You can learn all about it and sign up for it here. CelebrateSmallThings_Badge

The days have been much cooler, and the nights quite chilly. Fall has definitely arrived. My celebrations for this week —

  1. Both kids are feeling better and are back in school this week.
  2. My son ran his first cross-country race of the season on one of the more difficult courses and finished third on his team and mid-pack overall — a vast improvement from last season when he generally came in toward the end. I’m very proud of his efforts!!
  3. We’re going apple picking this weekend! Can’t wait for the cider and donuts!

What other celebrations are going on out there?




© Lori L. MacLaughlin and Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams, 2014. All rights reserved.

12 thoughts on “Celebrate the Small Things!

  1. Congrats on your son finishing 3rd. Definitely something to celebrate about! I, too, love, that the weather is now generally cooler, except I get bad allergies as fall/winter comes so I kind of dread that lol. Otherwise, it’s great. Have a great weekend!


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