IWSG and A to Z Challenge: More Fictional Favorites! Day 1: Anne of Green Gables

Today’s the day for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) where, on the first Wednesday of every month, writers get together to share their insecurities and offer encouragement. The IWSG was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and you can learn all about it and sign up for it here. IWSG_Badge

I took a couple of my print books to the local independent book store and talked to the manager about stocking them. I was nervous, but he was friendly and encouraging and said the store was happy to support local authors. He took the books on consignment and said he’d let me know if and when they needed more. Deep breath.

I’d love to hear about other self-published authors’ experiences with indie book stores and what worked for them.


Now on to the A to Z Challenge!


A is for — Anne from Anne of Green Gables

Anne Shirley, the lively, imaginative orphan girl of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 1908 classic, Anne of Green Gables, enchanted me when I first read her story many years ago. I was a schoolgirl myself at the time and loved reading of her adventures. Who can forget Anne’s cracking her slate over Gilbert Blythe’s head when he called her red braids “carrots,” or her walk along the ridge-pole of a neighbor’s roof on a dare, or her accidentally dying her hair green?

Her wild imagination and indomitable spirit endeared her to me. Of course, the fact that she was a budding writer made me love her even more. Montgomery wrote several sequels, which I also enjoyed, and Anne’s story has been portrayed in numerous TV series and in film. My favorite of those I’ve seen is the 1985 CBC TV mini-series with Megan Follows as Anne — a must watch for Anne fans.






© Lori L. MacLaughlin and Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams, 2015. All rights reserved.


53 thoughts on “IWSG and A to Z Challenge: More Fictional Favorites! Day 1: Anne of Green Gables

  1. I Loved this book series, but then to see her come to life in the Mini Series, what a great job, definately one of my favourites and Ive introduced her to both of my daughters also.
    Thank you for the flash back and making me smile!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good for you going to your local bookstore and especially fir not being offended by his consignment offer. We all have to start somewhere. I love buying from local authors. What about donating one to local library if they do any kind of book feature shelves. Our library dies lots of ‘features’ and I always head to those shelves first!

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  3. I love Anne Shirley! I was introduced to Anne of Green Gables as a girl from the series you mentioned (which is great) and have loved her since. I never read the books though until a few years ago, actually, which are, of course, even better. (Though the series does a great job adapting the story, from what I remember). I read almost the entire series back-to-back, and have only the last two to go. I’ve been thinking on reading them soon, actually, and then I’ll probably start over and re-read the series again, because they are those kinds of stories.

    I’ll stop gushing now… 😛

    And congrats for getting your book in a bookstore!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I remember the 1985 series, Anne of Green Gables great choice. So glad that you had the courage and good response from the local book dealer, we all have to be thick skinned and prepared for rejection if we hope to get our work out there, or at least that has been my experience.
    #Blogging from A-Z swinging by to meet and greet. I am 471 and 472 in the long list, with MOVIES and What’s in a NAME Hope you swing by to 4covert2overt and Defining Ways. Hope to meet up everywhere @M_C_V_Egan
    .⋱ ⋮ ⋰.,;***;,.⋱ ⋮ ⋰
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  5. That is the series I watched the most of, and was what got me interested in her. Really great stories and heroine. I like your theme! Thanks for coming by and commenting on my blog! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @ lisabuiecollard.com

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  6. Congrats on getting your book in stores. You go!

    I love L.M Montgomery. I watched the all the miniseries and I read every book she had written, when I was a kid. They are part of my very large book collection, which I have reread from time to time. I love the way she made the scenery live for me on the page. I planted silver bushes at my first house in her honor. I loved the book Pat of Silver Bush series. Anne of Green Gables also a fave. She is awesome with description and part of the reason I wanted to write.

    Juneta @ Writer’s Gambit

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  7. I prefer Emily over Anne, if I’m going to pick between any of Montgomery’s characters, but only because I can relate more to Emily. I don’t think I’ve read an author who has put more of herself into her own characters. Reading Montgomery’s biographies is like reading her books!

    N J Magas, author

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Have I mentioned that your theme rocks? 🙂 I love Anne of Green Gables. I read those books to shreds when I was a kid. And I wanted red hair so badly!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Although I’m not doing the A to Z Challenge, I had to respond to Anne of GG. Loved that book. Just bought the series in e-form. Can’t wait to see how my view changes as an adult.

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