Celebrate the Small Things!

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly celebration created by VikLit and now hosted by Lexa Cain to celebrate the happenings of the week, however small or large. You can learn all about it and sign up for it here. CelebrateSmallThings_Badge

It’s been another busy week in the book marketing and selling departments, and it’s going to be a busy weekend, too. Things I’m celebrating:

  1. I did a fun interview on Celine Jeanjean’s blog, Down the Rabbit Hole.
  2. I sold five books in 2 ½ hours at the local Farmer’s Market Craft Day! Whoo hoo! Three people paid cash, and two paid with credit/debit cards. The Square worked perfectly and was quick and easy to use. Thank you to everyone who suggested I get one!!
  3. I sent press release/calendar event info to the surrounding newspapers and put flyers up around town for the Barnes & Noble book signing coming up. I don’t know how many of the papers will actually include the info, but it was a good exercise in publicity.
  4. In a fit of madness, I called the local WCAX TV news station and got myself on their Books Over Breakfast program, which is a brief segment where the news person talks to authors about their books. It’s scheduled to air on August 5th at 6:55 AM. Eeep.
  5. On Saturday, I’ll be going to the League of VT Writers Summer Retreat and Member Showcase in Albany, VT, to attend some interesting workshops and hopefully sell more books.
  6. On Sunday, I’m taking my son, the NASCAR nut, to the Sprint Cup race in Loudon, NH, as an early birthday present. My daughter gets to spend the weekend with grandparents, and she’s excited about that.

I also enjoyed some lovely weather this week.

What other celebrations are going on out there?






© Lori L. MacLaughlin and Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams, 2015. All rights reserved.

23 thoughts on “Celebrate the Small Things!

  1. Selling books at a local crafts-type affair is a great idea. We have an annual craft show in the town where I live, and I’ve thought that once I actually have something to sell, that would be a good place to sell a few copies. People might be interested in reading something from a local author.

    Sounds like lots of progress! Happy writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I knew that square would come in handy! Yay for selling 5 books – and in such a short time, too. You’re being wonderfully pro-active about putting yourself out there and making connections. People can’t buy a book unless they know it exists, so good for you!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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