Celebrate the Small Things!

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly celebration created by VikLit and now hosted by Lexa Cain to celebrate the happenings of the week, however small or large. You can learn all about it and sign up for it here. CelebrateSmallThings_Badge

We’re down to one week until Christmas! Since next Friday is Christmas day, I won’t be posting then. I have two more posts lined up, and then I’ll be taking a break until January. It’ll be 2016, and who knows what possibilities the new year will hold? But for now, I’d like to celebrate:

  1. Christmas vacation coming up! My kids go to school on Monday and Tuesday and then are off for the rest of the year.
  2. Getting together with family and friends over the holidays. It’s always so much fun!
  3. Continued progress with final edits. I’m getting there!

Happy Holidays to everyone! What other celebrations are going on out there?





© Lori L. MacLaughlin and Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams, 2015. All rights reserved.

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