IWSG — Book Trailer Photos

Today’s the day for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) where, on the first Wednesday of every month, writers get together to share their insecurities and offer encouragement. The IWSG was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and you can learn all about it and sign up for it here. IWSG_Badge

I’ve been working on my book trailer and have a script and music I’m happy with. However, the photos/videos to incorporate are giving me a problem. I have a lot of ideas of what I’d like, but translating them into photos I can take myself is a challenge. I’ve looked at a couple of royalty free photo sites and read both good and bad reviews about them. I’m on the fence about trying to take my own photos or go with a service. I need to make a decision.

So, my questions for today: for anyone who has made a book trailer, did you use your own photos/videos or use a service such as iStock.com, canstockphoto.com, or something else? If you used a service, were you happy with the results? Did you have any problems with the service? I know of one person who has used iStock and is, so far, happy with it. Or did you hire someone to do the trailer? How did that turn out? As always, any and all advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!





© Lori L. MacLaughlin and Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams, 2014. All rights reserved.

25 thoughts on “IWSG — Book Trailer Photos

  1. Hi Lori! I’m visiting via the IWSG. You are light-years ahead of me, so I can’t give you any help. And I’m LD with computers to boot! thanks for opening my eyes to yet more interesting things I need to learn!


  2. I picked out the two photos on my 30 Seconds cover for my cover artist to use at http://depositphotos.com. I’ve never made a trailer though, and I’m not sure how I would go about doing it. I think I would either use the Deposit Photos website or ask my artist friend.

    Good luck with your trailer!


  3. Sorry this isn’t an area I can be much help with! Looks like you have one or two links here that might prove useful. Good luck, look forward to seeing the trailer when it is done 🙂

    Great to visit as co-host of IWSG this month.


  4. Ooh, making a book trailer…sounds fun, but also a little nerve-wracking! Sorry, I haven’t done one yet (but hopefully someday!). Good luck figuring it out, and I hope you get lots of advice from fellow writers who have experience with that sort of thing. 🙂 That way, when it’s time for me to make one, I can come to you! 🙂


  5. I should make a book trailer so it would inspire me to finish one of them up. If I were trying to put together a sharper job for an actual book, I would probably check with my daughter who works as a video editor and sometimes makes short films.

    Experiment, Check around, Have fun!

    Tossing It Out


  6. Pingback: Celebrate the Small Things! | Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams

  7. I love trailers but am no help as I have no idea how to make one. lol. I see Carrie Butler mentioned in the comments. Her work on Melissa Maygrove’s trailer was amazing, so definitely a good recommendation!


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