Celebrate the Small Things!

Celebrate the Small Things is a weekly celebration created by VikLit and now hosted by Lexa Cain to celebrate the happenings of the week, however small or large. You can learn all about it and sign up for it here. CelebrateSmallThings_Badge

My internet connection was giving me problems this morning, but it seems to be working now. This week has been pretty quiet, which is a good thing. My celebrations:

  1. I sold a half-dozen books at the Milton Artists’ Guild’s Holiday Art Show and Sale last Saturday!
  2. Got more winterizing work done on my house.
  3. Made some editing progress.
  4. Looking forward to participating in another craft show this weekend!

What other celebrations are going on out there?





© Lori L. MacLaughlin and Writing, Reading, and the Pursuit of Dreams, 2015. All rights reserved.